Make three truffles with ambiante and chocolate
1. First truffle with 200 gms Carat Coverlux Dark and 60 gms Non Dairy Whipped Topping.
2. Second truffle with 220 gms Carat Coverlux Milk and 60 gms on Dairy Whipped Topping.
3. Third truffle with 250 gms Carat Coverlux White and 60 gms on Dairy Whipped Topping.
After making the truffles keep them in freeze for 2 hours.
After 2 hours take them out and roll them and place them in freeze for 30 minutes.
Place one roll on top of other two adjacent rolls to form triangle shape.
Cover with some melted Carat Coverlux Milk truffle & put it in freeze for 15 minutes.
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