Tegral Choco Sponge
Carat Coverlux - Dark
Cremfil Classic Vanilla
Brillo Cocoa Glaze
1. Whisk egg, premix & oil using whisk attachment for 1 minute at slow speed & 4 minutes at high speed. Add oil & mix for additional 1 minute at medium speed.
2. Pour the batter into the lined tray and bake at 180°C close damper till baked.
1. Heat the fresh cream and add broken Carat Coverlux Dark in it to obtain dark choco truffle.
2. Fold it with whip topping & Cremfil Vanilla to obtain dark choco mousse.
Line the rectangular mold with thin layer of Choco Sponge.
On the first layer of sponge spread a layer of dark choco mousse and set it in freezer for at least 3 hours.
Demold the mousse from rectangular mold and finish with Brillo Cocoa Glaze
Decorate as shown in the picture.
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