
Filling Ingredients

1. Veg : Corn Mushroom / Paneer Tandoori
2. Non Veg : Chichen Tikka / BBQChicken
3. Mixing 4 + 7 minutes (final temperature 26°C)
4. Bulk fermentation: 5 minutes
5. Intermediate Proof : 5 minutes
6. Final Proof : 45 minutes / 30°C / 75% RH
7. Baking : 7-8 minutes at 230°C

Working Method

1. Shape the dough, allow to relax, roll out with a rolling pin and cut with a circular 7/8 cm dough cutter.
2. Or separate the dough pieces in a bun divider moulder, place the pieces on a greased baking tray, leave for the intermediate proof and flatten.
3. Finish with the topping and bake it .

About this Recipe

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